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eddoes Meaning in Bengali

Taro গাছপালা ভোজ্য অনমনীয় গেঁড়

eddoes's Usage Examples:

It can also be served with boiled vegetables such as cassava, eddoes, sweet potatoes, and green or ripe plantains.

which its main crops include coffee, ground provisions (such as cassava, eddoes and yams), cabbage, beans, corn, peanuts, and citrus fruits.

Most of these produce go to Trinidad and Tobago, in particular, eddoes, tannias and yams.

well as other Caribbean Islands in the slave trade), ingredients such as eddoes, okra, dasheen, eggplant, and the bonavista bean are used.

production or exploitation of rice (the staple food), cassava, sweet potatoes, eddoes, plantains, vegetables, rubber, palm oil and livestock or in fisheries.

The plantation grew and exported yams, eddoes, and sweet potatoes.

The Bassa people are traditionally settled farmers who grow yam, cassava, eddoes and plantain.

provisions) are part of the staple diet and include cassava, sweet potato, and eddoes.

) Export goods bananas, eddoes and dasheen (taro), arrowroot starch, tennis racquets Main export partners.

root crops, taro and eddoes do well in deep, moist or even swampy soils where the annual rainfall exceeds 2,500 mm (100 in).

produce: "If the land was cleared, it would be excellent land for corn, eddoes, cassada, cane, and rice".

Words and syntax of Igbo origin like "eddoes" the Igbo word for "taro," and their second-person plural "unu" are widespread.

crops), rice (16%), other vegetables (18%), corn (16%), sweet potatoes or eddoes (8%), plantain or bananas (8%), and pulses (1%).

Vegetable (pepper, bitter balls, cucumbers, corn, cassava, eddoes, potatoes, tomatoes, peanuts) and fruit (pineapples, limes, mandarins, grapefruits.

Major food crops ("Ground provisions") are yams, sweet potatoes, corn, eddoes, cassava, and several varieties of beans.

eddoes's Meaning':

edible starchy tuberous root of taro plants


dalo; taro plant; Colocasia esculenta; taro; root; cocoyam; dasheen;


descendant; destabilise; destabilize;

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