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elytrons Meaning in Bengali

পারেন শৃঙ্গাকার এর বিটল মধ্যে সামনের ডানা এবং কিছু অন্যান্য পোকামাকড় যা আবরণ এবং কার্মিক পিছনের উইংস রক্ষা

elytrons's Usage Examples:

It has ten black spots, often the two spots found in the middle of the elytrons fuse to make a transverse band.

The day of the battle comes and the war fleet of airships and flying elytrons (insects) takes off from Malka led by Queen Klopka the Ravishing.

darkling beetles species — such as the Namib Desert beetle — have bumpy elytrons with a pattern of hydrophilic bumps and hydrophobic troughs.

deutonymphs sit on the adult beetles, typically between the coxae or under the elytrons.

elytrons's Meaning':

either of the horny front wings in beetles and some other insects which cover and protect the functional hind wings


wing; wing case;


stay in place;

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