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elytron Meaning in Bengali

পারেন শৃঙ্গাকার এর বিটল মধ্যে সামনের ডানা এবং কিছু অন্যান্য পোকামাকড় যা আবরণ এবং কার্মিক পিছনের উইংস রক্ষা

elytron's Usage Examples:

An elytron (/ˈɛlɪtrɒn/; from Greek ἔλυτρον "sheath, cover"; plural: elytra /-trə/) is a modified, hardened forewing of certain insect orders, notably.

annelids, elytra (/-trə/; from Greek ἔλυτρον "sheath, cover"; singular: elytron /ˈɛlaɪtrɒn/ ) are shield-like scales that are attached dorsally, one pair.

The type specimen is an elytron with record number PULR-I 324.

Polynoidae), the dorsal cirrus is modified into a scale (or elytron).

is nearly square, and has at least five rows of fine punctures on each elytron.

Its elytron has a distinct carina on fifth interval.

has wide shoulders and tuberculated sides of the pronotum, with wrinkled elytron.

Each elytron has two spots.

It is yellow with seven large black spots on each elytron and four small black spots on the pronotum.

It is shiny black, and there is one red spot on each elytron.

Species in this genus have three ridges on each elytron, without hairs on the pronotal disk.

this small beetle are a shiny brown with two reddish-orange spots on each elytron (hence the Latin word bipustulatus, meaning two-blistered).

It has four orange dots on this black area, two on each elytron.

are typically five black spots on the elytron.

Four of those are arranged on the dorso-lateral part of the elytron.

LeConte in 1855 and is characterized by having ten dark spots on each elytron.

Hind femur reaching apex of elytron, which have no teeth.

Metrioxena shows two sharp ribs on each elytron, which are absent in the other genera.

groove on top is not bent; The elytron have fine hairs and have no return grooves; Vertex of the Abdomen appears from the elytron; The upper body is covered.

elytron's Meaning':

either of the horny front wings in beetles and some other insects which cover and protect the functional hind wings


wing; wing case;


stay in place;

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