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emerald shiner Meaning in Bengali


পান্না কালসিটে পড়া চোখ,

emerald shiner's Usage Examples:

The emerald shiner (Notropis atherinoides) is one of hundreds of small, silvery, slender fish species known as shiners.

Common emerald shiner (Notropis atherinoides atherinoides): Common shiners are most abundant.

Visitors can see fish such as black crappie, brown bullhead, bluegill, emerald shiner, pumpkinseed, largemouth bass, and carp; birds such as red-tailed hawk.

Sport fishing is allowed in Cold Lake (brook stickleback, burbot, emerald shiner, fathead minnow, finescale dace, Iowa darter, lake trout, lake whitefish.

Though visually very similar to the emerald shiner, which occupies a similar range, it can be distinguished by the presence.

Other fish include: emerald shiner, river shiner, spottail shiner, flathead chub, longnose dace, quillback.

Canoeing and kayaking Fishing (Arctic grayling, bull trout, burbot, emerald shiner, fathead minnow, flathead chub, lake chub, largescale sucker, longnose.

(Carassius auratus), Atlantic and Pacific salmon (Salmo salar), the emerald shiner (Notropis atherinoides), and farmed whitefish (Coregonus spp.

trout, brown trout, bull trout, burbot, westslope cutthroat trout, emerald shiner, goldeye, lake chub, lake sturgeon, lake whitefish, longnose dace, longnose.

brown trout, bull trout, rainbow trout, brook trout, cutthroat trout, emerald shiner, river shiner, spottail shiner, flathead chub, longnose dace, quillback.

shorthead redhorse, silver redhorse, white sucker, bluntnose minnow, emerald shiner, and golden shiner.

The carmine shiner resembles its close relative the emerald shiner (Notropis atherinoides), which has a deeper, more compressed body shape.


shiner; Notropis atherinoides;


achromatic color; rural area; achromatic; ripe;

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