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employee owned business Meaning in Bengali


কর্মচারী মালিকানাধীন ব্যবসা,

employee owned business's Usage Examples:

In December 2013 they became an employee owned business.

In 2000 it was restructured to become an employee owned business.

services and other retail-related activities, is the UK's largest employee owned business.

Bollman became an employee owned business in 1985.

subsequently took private in a management buy-out in 2011 to create an employee owned business called MSQ Partners.


dog catcher; turncock; spotter; Pullman porter; liveryman; sales representative; barman; stocktaker; floorwalker; line worker; deliveryman; delivery boy; porter; hire; organization man; sandwichman; working man; workingman; stage technician; registrar; floater; toller; bartender; railwayman; hireling; working person; stagehand; worker; stock-taker; mixologist; sweeper; scribe; company man; office boy; salesperson; gasman; barkeeper; copywriter; barkeep; staff member; toll taker; restaurant attendant; crewman; dining-room attendant; tollkeeper; trainman; railroader; scrivener; railroad man; jobholder; copyist; dispatcher; deliverer; tollgatherer; toll collector; hired help; gofer; potboy; toll agent; pensionary; typist; shopwalker; gardener; sales rep; workman; railway man; public servant; tollman; staffer; potman; clerk;


employer; nonworker; fire; idle; boss;

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