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ephor Meaning in Bengali


বেচারা, ফতুর, অবস্থাহীন, সঙ্গতিহীন, নির্ধন, কাঙ্গাল, কপর্দকশূন্য, কম্বল-কম্বল, কার্পণ্যপূর্ণ, অসচ্ছল, ঋক্থহীন, ক্ষুদ্র, দীন-দরিদ্র, নগণ্য, নিস্তেজ, জীর্ণশীর্ণ, দীনহীন, দুর্ভাগা, সামান্য, বন্ধ্য, অনুর্বর, ত্রুটিপূর্ণ, ঘাটতিপূর্ণ, অভাবী, নি:সম্বল, নি:স্ব, মন্দ, গরিব, দরিদ্র,

ephor's Usage Examples:

The ephors were leaders of ancient Sparta, and its colonies of Taras and Heraclea, and shared power with the two Spartan kings.

The ephors were a council.

the ephor Lysander, the co-king Agis IV and their supporters.

The ephor, Lysander.

Epitadeus was an early 4th-century BC Spartan ephor, who strengthened conservative class distinctions by allowing gifts of land to independent citizens.

Endius (Endios) was a Spartan ephor during the Peloponnesian War (431–404 BC).

Σθενελαίδας) was a Spartan who held the office of ephor in 432 BC, and, in the congress of the Lacedaemonians and their allies at Sparta.

of Sparta, Spartan king Leon of Sparta (Ephor), Spartan Olympic victor in the chariot race 424, eponymous ephor 419/18 BC Leo the Deacon, Byzantine historian.

Aracus (Ancient Greek: Ἄρακος) was a man of ancient Sparta who served as an ephor in 409 BCE.

Civil cases were decided by the ephors, and criminal jurisdiction had been passed to the ephors, as well as to a council of elders.

were Georgantas Skouzes (1776–1822), a member of the Filiki Etaireia and ephor of Athens during the initial stages of the Greek Revolution, and Panagis.

of Sparta in 272 BC, when the father was deposed from the throne by the ephor Lysander and substituted by her husband Cleombrotus II.

It now serves as residence for the ephor of Hassagers Kollegium.

In the same year he became an ephor of the schools in Hotin County.

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