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explicable Meaning in Bengali

 কহতব্য, প্রকাশসাধ্য, ব্যাখ্যাসাধ্য, বর্ণনাসাধ্য, ব্যাখ্যাযোগ্য, যাহা ব্যাখ্যা করা যায় এমন,


ব্যাখ্যাযোগ্য, বর্ণনাসাধ্য, ব্যাখ্যাসাধ্য, প্রকাশসাধ্য, কহতব্য,

explicable শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

শ্রেণি বা সম্প্রদায়ের ঘটনার জন্য প্রযোজ্য, এবং একটি বক্তব্য দ্বারা বর্ণনাসাধ্য যে কিছু বিশেষ শর্তের উপস্থিতিতে একটি নির্দিষ্ট ঘটনা দেখা যাবে ।

ছাত্রদের একটি ভাল সংখ্যা প্রতি বছর ফলাফল কহতব্য তৈরি করছেন ।

explicable's Usage Examples:

the feelings or the reasoning of such 'wisdom' may not be immediately explicable through reason.

as events not explicable by natural or scientific laws – indicate the intervention of the supernatural.

God, may be claimed to have performed miracles, which are events not explicable by natural or scientific laws.

catastrophic events occurred in the geologic past, but regards these as explicable as extreme examples of natural processes which can occur.

Granule (cell biology), any of several submicroscopic structures, some with explicable origins, others noted only as cell type-specific features of unknown function.

used in Islam to refer to the claims of events happening that are not explicable by natural or scientific laws, subjects where people sometimes invoke.

question: whether the Holocaust can (or to what extent it should) be made explicable through a social-scientific, historical account.

Atomic radii vary in a predictable and explicable manner across the periodic table.

theories, beliefs, and experiences indigenous to different cultures, whether explicable or not, used in the maintenance of health as well as in the prevention.

he suggested that some "calendaricities" (as he called them) might be explicable in terms of meteoric particles from cometary orbits acting as ice nuclei.

argued that the curse is 'real' in the sense of having scientifically explicable causes such as bacteria or radiation.

that "The persistence of the predominant cultural understanding, while explicable, is damaging to science and to many transsexuals.

of the certified lists Webster accepted that the additional marks were explicable as scanning errors.

world as something ordered and intelligible, its history following an explicable course and its different parts arranged in a comprehensible system.

philosophy of naturalism contends that all phenomena are scientifically explicable and nothing exists beyond the natural world, and as such approaches supernatural.

unidentified aerial phenomena in the UK could be attributed to misidentified but explicable objects, or poorly understood natural phenomena.

understanding of the claim is that everything in the world is ultimately explicable in the terms of physics.

naturalist many things in our everyday world that are not explicable (or not fully explicable) by science are, nonetheless, presupposed by science—e.

show that the defendant was engaged in activity directed toward, and explicable as intended to result in, the killing - what may be considered as 'planning'.

crystal scattering can be explained by quantization of momentum is not explicable by models based on diffraction by classical waves, as in Bragg's Law.


interpretable; comprehendible; explainable; comprehensible; soluble;


unclear; unintelligible; inexplicable; incomprehensible; insoluble;

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