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expounding Meaning in Bengali




expounding শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

biological, cosmological and pharmaceutical sections + section with recipes উদ্ভাসন color ink, a bit crude, was used for painting the figures, probably later ।

রক ৭০৭ (২০১১) ড্রিপ্পিং গোরের সঙ্গে (শুধুমাত্র একক) বিমোড় মনুষ্যত্বের উদ্ভাসন @ আগন্তুক ২ (২০০৫) (স্টুডিও এলবাম) নয় মাস (২০১৩) (শুধুমাত্র একক) স্মৃতিচারণ ।

থাকেন৷ ২০১৫ খ্রিস্টাব্দে দর্শকদের বোঝার সুবিধা ও ভ্রমণসুলভ্যতার জন্য একটি উদ্ভাসন কক্ষ তৈরি করা হয়েছে৷ Relton, A. ' A.Moses (1997). Karaivetti Bird Sanctuary ।

জ্ঞানবাদ নসিস নসিস আলোকপ্রাপ্তি (আধ্যাত্মিক) পাশ্চাত্য প্রকাশিত বাক্য দিব্য উদ্ভাসন দিব্য আলোক প্লেটোনবাদ প্রাচ্য ইরফান জ্ঞান বোধি প্রজ্ঞা বৌদ্ধধর্ম হিন্দুধর্ম ।

expounding's Usage Examples:

For the first fifty years it was a leading intellectual journal expounding radical principles, but from 1865 it repeatedly changed hands and political.

and expounding of Mahwi's poems Editing and expounding of Nalî's poems Editing and expounding of Mawlawi Tawagozi's poems Editing and expounding of Faqe.

The Key to Theosophy is an 1889 book by Helena Blavatsky, expounding the principles of theosophy in a readable question-and-answer manner.

mysticism is closely related to Romantic nationalism, but goes beyond the expounding of romantic sentiment, to a mystical veneration of the nation as a transcendent.

for the Imperial examination from mastering poetry to jingyi (經義/经义 "expounding on a classical quotation"), literati no longer studied the lyrical names.

Jose's chief work in the field of the Halakhah was the expounding of the Mishnah and the halakhot of the Amoraim, though some halakhot are.

hall of mirrors effect, dryly delivering a brief introductory monologue, expounding on such unusual subjects as undertakers or frogs or murdering a romantic.

University under a number of its scholars most notably Ad-Dardir, whose expounding of the Mukhtasar of Khalil is one of the most important late works in.

of Mathematical Discovery is a 1976 book by philosopher Imre Lakatos expounding his view of the progress of mathematics.

Church Fathers, The City of God is a cornerstone of Western thought, expounding on many profound questions of theology, such as the suffering of the righteous.

an unrelenting polemicist, he is said to have authored 104 treatises expounding the principles of Dvaita and defending it against attacks from the contemporary.

Hofstadter seeks to remedy this problem in I Am a Strange Loop by focusing and expounding on the central message of Gödel, Escher, Bach.

acquiring expertise in both Islamic theology and Maliki jurisprudence he expounding the teachings of the Ash'ari school, and taught Maliki jurisprudence in.

The Abrogation doctrine is a US constitutional law doctrine expounding when and how the Congress may waive a state's sovereign immunity and subject it.

Sebastian warns of the struggles of human life while at the same time expounding the benefits of a care-free life underwater.

The Cynic epistles are a collection of letters expounding the principles and practices of Cynic philosophy mostly written in the time of the Roman empire.

He wrote two books expounding party views: The Communist View, published in 1969, and Workers' Participation.

moderated: "Oh my God, they killed Koshi!" That comment spawned a website expounding on the joke.

liberalism and a subjective approach, Eliot used his publication for expounding his defense of classicism, tradition, and Catholicism.


philosophizing; interpretation; exposition;

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