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fails Meaning in Bengali

 ন্যুন হত্তয়া, ঊন হত্তয়া, ঝরিয়া যাত্তয়া, শুকাইয়া যাত্তয়া, মরিয়া যাত্তয়া, ব্যর্থ হত্তয়া, অচল হত্তয়া, অক্ষম হত্তয়া, দেউলিয়া হত্তয়া, বিচু্যত হত্তয়া, হতাশ করা, ডুবা, ভেস্তে যাত্তয়া, ছাড়িয়া যাত্তয়া,




ছাড়িয়া যাত্তয়া, ভেস্তে যাত্তয়া, ডুবা, হতাশ করা, বিচু্যত হত্তয়া, দেউলিয়া হত্তয়া, অক্ষম হত্তয়া, অচল হত্তয়া, ব্যর্থ হত্তয়া, মরিয়া যাত্তয়া, শুকাইয়া যাত্তয়া, ঝরিয়া যাত্তয়া, ঊন হত্তয়া, ন্যুন হত্তয়া,

fails's Usage Examples:

A lifter who fails to complete at least one successful snatch and one successful clean and jerk also fails to total, and therefore receives.

false negative is the opposite error where the test result incorrectly fails to indicate the presence of a condition when it is present.

organism, and may have originally been intended to be a scientific name, but fails to be one because it has not (or has not yet) been published with an adequate.

completely, or fails completely: if any of the statements constituting a transaction fails to complete, the entire transaction fails and the database.

loan, for example when a home buyer fails to make a mortgage payment, or when a corporation or government fails to pay a bond which has reached maturity.

However, if a single operation in the series fails during the exchange, the entire exchange fails.

claim may be brought against a doctor or other healthcare provider who fails to exercise the degree of care and skill that a similarly situated professional.

borrower's default and so can be used to offset the loan if the borrower fails to pay the principal and interest satisfactorily under the terms of the.

proof or evidence as the conclusion, and as a consequence the argument fails to persuade.

Whenever a medical condition fails to show noticeable symptoms after a diagnosis it might be considered asymptomatic.

the type of yield or structural failure when the material or component fails in shear.

coup de grâce to the condemned with a pistol if the first hail of gunfire fails to kill the prisoner; or a kaishakunin who performs a beheading to quickly.

body normally attempts to compensate for this homeostatically, but if this fails or is overridden, the blood pH will rise, leading to respiratory alkalosis.

warning, Iran launches satellite and fails".

com/2020/02/10/iran-fails-in-satellite-launch-attempt/ -.

When the embryonic forebrain fails to divide the brain into two lobes, it results in a condition known as holoprosencephaly.


default; choke; muff; strike out; lose track; miss; default on; neglect;


carry to term; clean; attend; pay up; keep track;

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