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fakery Meaning in Bengali

fakery's Usage Examples:

The show drew attention for alleged fakery and the BBC eventually acknowledged that a number of scenes were inaccurately.

His career as a medium was punctuated by allegations of fakery and he also attracted controversy over a number of seances during which.

turned to the restoration and imitation of icons in all styles, which led to fakery as well; V.

The filmmakers had intended to make a film exposing, in slow motion, the fakery of professional wrestling, until a chance encounter with French philosopher.

is best known for his work around subjects like mental illness, suicide, fakery, addiction and pop culture.

psychic surgery tours, declared: "Psychic surgery is pure and unmitigated fakery.

The show focused mainly on transforming 'fakery obsessed' or 'slap addicts' in Britain into 'natural beauties' by stripping.

The press made claims about fakery in the show, that the water was supplied in the island by adding a rubber-lined.

The website combines religious and scientific fakery, political conspiracy theories, and "the occasional seed of truth" to create.

Pincus wrote, "and could be merciless in his judgments of fakery.

Welles recounts his own past use of fakery: how he got a job in Ireland by falsely claiming to be a famous New York.

editors, producers, legal advisers and researchers were a party to any fakery or deception.

"articulates his antagonism to the materialism, commercialization, and fakery that he believes.

are calling for an end to the general election lies; the deception; the fakery".

boast that they are mages, and their oddness, deceptions, vanity, folly, fakery, madness, absence of mind, and obvious lies, to put their hallucinations.


deception; dissimulation; deceit; dissembling;


honesty; truth; understatement;

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