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farriers Meaning in Bengali


নাল-প্রস্তুতকারক, যুদ্ধাশ্বপাল, অশ্ববৈদ্য,

farriers শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

হাপর চালাচ্ছে পেশা পেশার ধরন পেশা প্রায়োগিক ক্ষেত্র কারবার বিবরণ যোগ্যতা শারীরিক শক্তি, ধারণা কর্মক্ষেত্র শিল্পী, কারিগর সম্পর্কিত পেশা যুদ্ধাশ্বপাল

১৯ সহকারী দারোগা (সশস্ত্র) ১৬০৬ ২০ হেড অশ্ববৈদ্য ১ ২১ লেডি হেড কনস্টেবল ৭ ২২ মহিলা কনস্টেবল ৩৯৪ ২৩ অশ্ববৈদ্য কনস্টেবেল ১ ২৪ পুলিশ ১৩১৪৯ / ৩০০ RC ২৫ সিপাহী ।

farriers's Usage Examples:

Blues and Royals, the farriers dress like their comrades in regimental uniform.

The distinctive uniform and equipment of the farriers of the Life Guards—blue.

Modern-day farriers usually specialize in horseshoeing, focusing their time and effort on the care of the horse's hoof.

For this reason, farriers and blacksmiths.

animal physiotherapy or dentistry, and species-relevant roles such as farriers.

have chosen to specialize in the equine hoof, while some are remedial farriers.

centers and co-located with complementary services such as a riding school, farriers, vets, tack shops, or equipment repair.

It also recruited related workers, such as conductors, cleaners and farriers.

He is a 4th generation farrier; his family have been farriers and blacksmiths in the Newmarket area for at least 150 years.

Amalgamated Society of Blacksmiths, Farriers and Agricultural Engineers was a trade union representing farriers and related workers in the United Kingdom.

and includes a Centre for Rural Crafts with courses for blacksmiths and farriers provided by the National School of Blacksmithing, a working commercial.

Responsibilities included veterinary care of horses and the training of farriers and non-commissioned officers in shoeing, horse care and veterinary first.

trains all of the British Army's farriers; it is officially recognised by the Worshipful Company of Farriers and the Farriers Registered Council.

size, being known there as 'Nalband' Persian: نعلبند‎ [:the tree of the farriers] ("the famous 'Smithy elm' of Persia, where its dense top often forms the.

who were Clater's employers, and appears to have roused the hostility of farriers generally.

consultant farrier, Haydn Price with the intent of allowing veterinarians, farriers, horse trainers and physiotherapists to highlight subtle changes in a horse's.

of the German parish and eventually became an alderman in Stockholm's farriers guild.


blacksmith; horseshoer;

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