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farsighted Meaning in Bengali

 পরিণামদর্শী, সুদূরদর্শী,


সুদূরদর্শী, পরিণামদর্শী,

farsighted শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

বৌদ্ধ নীতিশাস্ত্রের ধারণা প্রকৃতির পরিণামদর্শী এবং কোনও দেবতার প্রতি কর্তব্যের উপর নির্ভর করে না ।

farsighted's Usage Examples:

which one eye is myopic (nearsighted) and the other eye is hyperopic (farsighted).

noun) means "The quality of being discerning, sound in judgment, and farsighted; wisdom".

near without their distance correction; and those who are hyperopic (farsighted) will find that they may need a correction for both distance and near.

With a negative (nearsighted or concave) lens and a positive (farsighted or convex) cornea, chameleons use a method of monocular focusing to judge.

release, it has been widely praised for its above-average storyline and its farsighted portrayal of the consequences of over-consumption of both natural and.

He is farsighted and with a minor stutter (hence his name; cf.

shaped such that focusing is difficult, one eye being more nearsighted or farsighted than the other (Refractive), or clouding of the lens of an eye (Deprivational).

or antimetropia (being myopic (nearsighted) in one eye and hyperopic (farsighted) in the other.

Award for Community Service by the Archbishop of Canterbury "for his farsighted commitment to environmental concerns".

Consumers are rational and farsighted.

1902 at the cost of 84 lakh rupees by Shri Rama Varma Thampuran, the farsighted Maharaja of Kochi, who reigned from the year 1895 till 1914.

P, was an idealist and farsighted visionary in erstwhile Salem District and in Hosur town particularly.

He was learned, bold and farsighted ruler of Lichhavi period, he was also a lover of art, architecture and.


eagle-eyed; longsighted; presbyopic; farseeing; hyperopic; telescopic; hypermetropic; keen-sighted;


short; invisible; noncollapsible; blind; improvident;

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