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fatalities Meaning in Bengali

 নশ্বরতা, মৃতু্যর হার, নিয়তিগত অবস্থা, মারাত্মক অবস্থা, সর্বনাশা অবস্থা, নিয়তির নির্দেশ, সর্বনাশ, অবশ্যম্ভাবিতা, চরম দুর্দশা, মারাত্মকতা,


মারাত্মকতা, চরম দুর্দশা, অবশ্যম্ভাবিতা, সর্বনাশ, নিয়তির নির্দেশ, সর্বনাশা অবস্থা, মারাত্মক অবস্থা, নিয়তিগত অবস্থা, মৃতু্যর হার, নশ্বরতা,

fatalities's Usage Examples:

The Indianapolis Motor Speedway has seen the most fatalities; seven drivers have died there during the time that the Indianapolis 500.

cases, 15 fatalities".

"Palestine confirms 966 new coronavirus cases, two fatalities".

also been some non-astronaut fatalities during spaceflight-related activities.

As of 2020, there have been 30 fatalities in incidents regarding spaceflight.

Scuba diving fatalities are deaths occurring while scuba diving or as a consequence of scuba diving.

of services are included along with violent deaths in the cumulative fatalities count when available.

cases, 29 fatalities and 4114 recoveries.

As of 27 July, total number of cases in Chhattisgarh was 7613, including 2626 active cases, 43 fatalities and 4944.

" Rehoboth, Massachusetts tornado August 1671 Massachusetts - 0 fatalities Earliest confirmed U.

with 20 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, accounting for 80% of all road fatalities with 52% of all vehicles.

recoveries and 9 fatalities.

As on 2 July, total number of cases in Puducherry was 802, including 459 active cases and 331 recoveries and 12 fatalities.

site is reputed to have the most diver fatalities in the world with estimates of between 130 and 200 fatalities in recent years.

recoveries and 8 fatalities.

As on 28 August, total number of cases is 2202, including 1287 active case, 906 cures and 9 fatalities.

recoveries and 11 fatalities.

As on 23 July, total number of cases was 800, including 256 active cases, 531 cures and 13 fatalities.

25 June, total number of cases was 837, including 338 active cases 8 fatalities and 491 recoveries.

number of cases was 6112 including 1845 active cases, 4239 cures and 28 fatalities.

analysis, including annual reports on decompression illness and diving fatalities.

Many notable human fatalities have resulted from aviation accidents and incidents.

cures and 33 fatalities.

As on 25 August, total number of cases was 2945, including 677 active cases, 2231 recoveries and 37 fatalities.

fatalities in the 1985 Japan Airlines Flight 123 incident, the largest loss of life in multiple aircraft in a single incident is the 583 fatalities in.

All fatalities are related to Championship Car races at the speedway unless otherwise noted.

58 of the 73 fatalities occurred as part of.


human death; expiry; decease; casualty; death; fatal accident; killing; violent death;


wholesomeness; survive; be born; increase; birth;

fatalities's Meaning in Other Sites