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fatalistically Meaning in Bengali

fatalistically's Usage Examples:

and living conditions were harsh – an existence which was accepted fatalistically.

see more of the world – while he is not happy about being drafted, he fatalistically accepts that it is the only way he is likely to be able to fulfill his.

Ribeiro (1482?–1536?) made use of bucolic poetry, singing about love fatalistically (he is more renowned, however, for his prose work Menina e Moça).

of "Ee ja nai ka" ("Why not!?", "Whatever!", or "Nevermind!"), which fatalistically refers to the tumultuous 1866-67 period of Japanese history immediately.

some tangible suspense and human interest," but then "goes resolutely, fatalistically downhill, discarding the element it can spare the least—the viewer's.

Though personally enthusiastic, Ted seemed to have fatalistically accepted the team's losing streak and took to giving pre-game pep talks.

September 19, 1993 (1993-09-19) Annie (Laura Dern), in true noir fashion, fatalistically falls in love with a millionaire who the audience discovers is quite.

Thus Chamberlain had to make the best of a hopeless situation, writing fatalistically that "I consider the Unionist cause is hopeless at the next election.

Commando's members, however, were "feverish" from the effects of malaria and fatalistically waited for the arrival of the Bushveldt Carbineers.

have gone on for hundreds of thousands of years, leaving the Moties fatalistically resigned to their destiny.

magnetism, it ran against Mosjoukine's European Casanova image as a fatalistically irresistible paramour to whom women flock and "surrender" without any.

the studio's own fortunes were so low that the movie was seen almost fatalistically, as a gamble that none of the more respectable studio executives really.

" He goes on to quote Sedgwick: Nobody knows more fully, more fatalistically than a fat woman how unbridgeable the gap is between the self we see.

INA, most of whom were Punjabis, faced an uncertain future, with many fatalistically expecting reprisals from the British.

Additionally, some cultures fatalistically attribute their good or poor health to their god(s), and attach less.

motion had no chance of passing with Senate Majority Leader Mansfield fatalistically saying "we are in too deep now", he was able to extend the debate for.

It will seek adaptation proactively, not fatalistically.

Germans as "unreformable", and in her correspondence with Kurt Hiller she fatalistically complained: "It makes no sense as a reasonable person to try to steer.

Chamberlain had to make the best of a hopeless situation, writing fatalistically that 'I consider the Unionist cause is hopeless at the next election.

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