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feebly Meaning in Bengali

feebly's Usage Examples:

are sometimes called semi-hydraulic lime and include the classifications feebly and moderately hydraulic lime, NHL 2 and NHL 3.

is feebly compact if every locally finite cover by nonempty open sets is finite.

Some facts: Every compact space is feebly compact.

Every feebly compact.

The forewing outer margin is bisinuate, strongly convex in the middle and feebly denticulate.

smithii is much depressed and feebly keeled.

flanks converging on a narrow, keeled venter; inner flanks which may be feebly ribbed, are separated from outer by a shallow spiral groove or band.

but the proximal edge of the olive-green median area is straight, very feebly or not at all incurved on the costa and the antemedian line is barely visible.

Hydraulic limes are classified by their strength: feebly, moderately and eminently hydraulic lime.

up to him and yells, “Mojo, what have they done to you?”, to which Mojo feebly types onto a talking computer “Pray for Mojo”.

anterior and posterior margins slightly reverted, strongly serrated in young, feebly in old specimens; shields concentrically striated, except in old specimens;.

this border being narrow on the distal side, the dark apex of the wing feebly dusted with grey.

The white area is feebly yellowish.

initial whorl is minute, almost entirely submerged, the succeeding volutions feebly inflated, increasing rather rapidly in altitude and diameter.

The distal margin of the hindwing is only feebly undulate, but near the anal angle somewhat more distinctly dentate.

The genus Phlycticeras is involute, feebly but coarsely ribbed, tuberculate, strongly strigate, with serrated keel.

There is an ochreous grey submarginal line feebly barred with blackish.

Some major actors in the war are feebly disguised: General Ludendorff is "Schieffenzahn", the politician Matthias.

The body is compressed, the dorsal scales are large and usually feebly keeled, but sometimes smooth.

than the orbit; forehead concave; upper head-scales unequal, smooth or feebly keeled; Canthus rostralis and supraciliary edge sharp; a row of 3 or 4 compressed.

ending in -able or -ible), but it also includes other words such as nobly, feebly, triply, and idly.

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