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fingerprinted Meaning in Bengali


হস্তাঙ্গুলির রেখাসমূহের ছাপ, অঙ্গুলাঙ্ক,

fingerprinted's Usage Examples:

She was photographed, reconstructed, fingerprinted, and had her DNA analyzed, yet she has remained unidentified for over.

employees are fingerprinted.

Even postal savings depositors are fingerprinted.

I assure you that there is no stigma attached to being fingerprinted in this.

countries mandate that all travellers, or all foreign travellers, be fingerprinted on arrival and will refuse admission to or even arrest travellers who.

Capucha Carter Long-conical, but not shouldered; smooth or faintly fingerprinted; skin green to bronze; bears well.

children who are mentally challenged, physically or emotionally ill) are fingerprinted and entered into IAFIS as part of their background check in order to.

their entry into the union was first recorded and where they were first fingerprinted.

other castes in the erstwhile Madras Presidency, were systematically fingerprinted (suspecting thievery) and restricted to their villages under CTA, 1911.

After completing a background check, being fingerprinted, and paying an "85 fee, travelers will get a Known Traveler Number.

From 1921, depositors were fingerprinted.

Alvarez then requested Rojas be fingerprinted.

In each case, those who registered were fingerprinted, photographed, and interviewed.

those charged in New Jersey with DUI and related offenses are not fingerprinted, do not have the right to a jury trial, DUI arrests and convictions.

" Mesi was taken into custody where he was fingerprinted and his arrest record forwarded to the City Commissioner of Streets.

Sixteen British International Brigade soldiers were interrogated, fingerprinted and had their heads shaved there before being paraded standing on the.

Only after he was booked, fingerprinted and released on bond did the authorities realize that "Coster" was in.

parents, and transported to a juvenile detention facility, where he was fingerprinted and a mug shot photograph was taken.

Applicants must pay "75 licensing fee, submit a signed application, be fingerprinted and photographed, and be of good moral character.

FBI agents arrested him, fingerprinted him, and flew back to the U.

He was arrested, and for safety's sake, fingerprinted again.


biometric authentication; print; mark; loop; identity verification; thumbprint; biometric identification;


detach; untie; uncoil; unwind; open circuit;

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