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from head to foot Meaning in Bengali

 আগাগোড়া, আপাদমস্তক,

from head to foot শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

স্টেজে ওঠার সময় তিনি আপাদমস্তক কালো রঙের পোশাক পরতেন ।

সম্পর্কে অবহিত হয়ে যাওয়ার পর মিথ্যার প্রতি সাহায্য সহযোগিতা দানের কাজে আপাদমস্তক ডুবে থাকার পরিণাম কি, তাও এতে জানিয়ে দেয়া হয়েছে ।

parsing): এই প্রণালীতে নিবেশের পার্স ট্রী খোঁজা হয় বিধিগত ব্যাকরণের আপাদমস্তক প্রসারণ (top-down expansion) ভাবে ।

প্রথমে সবকিছু খুব আশাব্যঞ্জক: গ্রীষ্মের রৌদ্রজ্জ্বল দিনে আপাদমস্তক নগ্ন হয়ে রৌদ্রস্নান, সমুদ্রস্নান, মদ্যপান, নাচগান ।

  "ভাষাসৈনিক গোলাম আরিফ টিপু : আপাদমস্তক সংগ্রামী" ।

বোরকা একটি ঢিলেঢালা পোশাক যা প্রাপ্তবয়স্ক মুসলিম মহিলাদের পুরো শরীরকে আপাদমস্তক ঢেকে রাখে; কেবল দেখার জন্য মুখমণ্ডলের সম্মুখভাগ বা চোখের অংশটি খোলা থাকে ।

(আ) সমুদ্র থেকে হিমাচল পর্যন্ত= আসমুদ্রহিমাচল, পা থেকে মাথা পর্যন্ত= আপাদমস্তক ৫. সাদৃশ্য (উপ) শহরের সদৃশ= উপশহর, গ্রহের তুল্য= উপগ্রহ, বনের সদৃশ= উপবন ।

from head to foot's Usage Examples:

believed to be black on one side, Kahekili tattooed one side of his body from head to foot.

The deity is seen in a lying posture measuring 15 feet from head to foot, which is unique.

Anyone standing within a given gun's beaten zone will be hit somewhere from head to foot.

humans but differing in several respects, notably in being covered from head to foot in short downy fur.

She is allowed a single robe which is to cover her entire body, from head to foot.

I got into the pantry and covered myself from head to foot in butter.

represented as a human figure with two heads and serpents coiled around him from head to foot.

containing the Causes, Signs, and Cures of Inward Diseases in Man's Body from head to foot.

He begins as Ajax's slave, telling Ajax, "I would thou didst itch from head to foot and I had the scratching of thee; I would make thee the loathsomest.

Trembling from head to foot, he would exhort young and old to love the Lord and one another.

Shariat (Radio Islamic Law) announced that women should be covered from head to foot.

As a further calamity he is covered with loathsome sores from head to foot.

the lady could not be moved for her health, the visitor was covered from head to foot in a shroud and led blindly to the lady by a eunuch escort.

composed an Arabic general treatise on therapeutics, arranged in order from head to foot.

Another table in which the participant was smeared from head to foot, Stepping on the Tomato, also amused the audience: the child had to.

of his heart in a manner which sent a shudder throughout his body from head to foot, and the reverberation of which was felt by every one who happened.

surrounded by several natives, who held them while they were painted from head to foot with red ochre and grease.


human face; encephalon; ear; basilar artery; beast; brute; animate being; external body part; human head; body; muzzle; brain; fauna; face; animal; caput; skull; temple; creature; arteria basilaris; physical structure; organic structure;


mediate; inexact; relative; secondary; female;

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