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gaucherie Meaning in Bengali

 অভ্যবতা, কান্ডজ্ঞানহীনতা, বেআক্কেলপনা, ঐ প্রকার আচরণ বা চালচালন, আনাড়িপনা, আনাড়ির মতো ভাবভঙ্গি,



gaucherie শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

শৃঙ্খলাপরায়ন রানী নির্মলা দেবী রাঠোরের সাথে দেখা করে, মিলির অতি উৎসাহ এবং আনাড়িপনা রানীর পছন্দ হয় নি ।

gaucherie's Usage Examples:

" Time magazine called it "mass gaucherie".

James had no love for publicity himself, so he doesn't spare Francie's gaucherie in blabbing about the Proberts' dirty laundry.

Near East and Mediterranean, and Nancy Sandars finds the style shows "a gaucherie that betrays the artist working in a way that is uncongenial, too much.

young interloper from Dublin, she is real and touching even in her social gaucherie.

March 2011 "Les exécutants devront imiter le jeu d'un débutant et sa gaucherie.

It's like a Mozart or Edison, whose occasional gaucherie we excuse because of his great gifts".

Alan Watkins observed in 1991 that his "brusqueness, his gaucherie, his lack of small or indeed any talk, his sheer bad manners" were among.

After such a gaucherie the culprit should kiss the floor.

gaucherie boorishness, clumsiness.

in its role as a feed line for his repartee portraying his invincible gaucherie.

gasconade gash gasket gastronome gastronomic gastronomy gateau gauche gaucherie gaudy gauge Gaul gaunt gauntlet gauze gavage gavotte gay (Old Fr.

pedagogue, and still more if he should in his delivery betray any un-Almack gaucherie of tone or gesture, then farewell to his legislative influence for ever.

waste") dégât gâtine "wasteland, moor" gauche "left; left hand" gaucher gaucherie gauchir gauchir "to warp" gauchissement gaude "mignonette" gaufre "wafer.


fuckup; boo-boo; faux pas; flub; gaffe; boner; botch; pratfall; foul-up; slip; bungle; bloomer; solecism; blooper; blunder;


gracefulness; stand still; roughness; remember; urbanity;

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