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gems Meaning in Bengali

 মণি, জহর, রত্ন, দামি বস্তু, পাথর, প্রশংসনীয় ব্যক্তি, পর্লকাটা রত্ন, দামি ব্যক্তি, সুন্দর বস্তু, প্রশংসনীয় বস্তু, উপল,


উপল, প্রশংসনীয় ব্যক্তি, প্রশংসনীয় বস্তু, সুন্দর বস্তু, দামি ব্যক্তি, পর্লকাটা রত্ন, পাথর, দামি বস্তু, রত্ন, জহর, মণি,

gems's Usage Examples:

value to a gemstone.

Apart from jewelry, from earliest antiquity engraved gems and hardstone carvings, such as cups, were major luxury art forms.

The Infinity Gems (originally referred to as Soul Gems and later as Infinity Stones) are six fictional gems appearing in American comic books published.

References to antique gems and intaglios in a jewellery context will almost always mean carved gems; when referring to monumental sculpture.

academically trained gemologists and are qualified to identify and evaluate gems.

was largely employed in antiquity for intaglio engraved gems.

The Greeks believed amethyst gems could prevent intoxication, while medieval European soldiers.

Navaratna (Sanskrit: नवरत्न) is a Sanskrit compound word meaning "nine gems" or "ratnas".

wrote that the island had the best sapphires, topazes, amethysts, and other gems in the world.


fine art; treasure; art;


black; trapezium; infield; outfield;

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