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gemsbok Meaning in Bengali

gemsbok's Usage Examples:

Oryx The gemsbok, gemsbuck or South African oryx (Oryx gazella) is a large antelope in the genus Oryx.

inhabits eastern Africa and the closely related gemsbok (Oryx gazella) inhabits southern Africa.

The gemsbok is monotypic and the East African oryx has two.

subspecies of the gemsbok (Oryx gazella), but they are genetically distinct; the diploid chromosome count is 56 for the beisa and 58 for the gemsbok.

called a gemsbok.

In Afrikaans, the name gemsbok came to refer to a species of Subsaharan antelope of the genus Oryx, and this meaning of "gemsbok" has been.

caracal, Cape buffalo, black rhino, eland, black wildebeest, red hartebeest, gemsbok and grey rhebok.

zoo animals in Great Britain including species of greater kudu, nyala, gemsbok, the common eland, Arabian and scimitar oryx, an Ankole-Watusi cow, and.

Accordingly, wild populations of blackbuck antelope, gemsbok, and nilgai may be found in Texas.

The gemsbok, a striking antelope with long symmetrical horns and distinctive black.


oryx; gemsbuck; Oryx gazella; pasang;

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