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generosities Meaning in Bengali

generosities's Usage Examples:

"A man of small economies and grand generosities".

chiefly relating to Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1837), enumerated his generosities to Coleridge and Southey, and entered into details of Coleridge's opium.

society, and the kamuy will gather his friends and tell them of the generosities of the humans, making the other kamuy wish to go to the human world for.

beauty as the brain constituted to conceive it better; she feels the generosities of that art, as the soul that can feel it most intensely; but her heart.

which of thy goodness we are about to enjoy; grant that we may use these generosities to thy glory, and enjoy them with thankful hearts, through Jesus Christ.

much the case that several verses of song praised these men in their generosities.

hear a fresh novelist’s voice telling the old story of the passions, generosities, and greeds that battle in us all.

Does our pleasure depend on our generosity? Is pleasure a meeting of generosities? Who's counting the moments? poetry portal theatre portal Informational.

to Pliny) as well as in his and Pliny's fears about excessive civic generosities by local notables such as distribution of money or gifts.

first wife Helen Phoebe Griffin, she was known for her philanthropic generosities.

those subjects and sometimes seems starry-eyed as he chronicles their generosities.


generous; ungenerous; charitableness; kindness; liberality; bounty; stingy; unselfishness; liberalness; generousness; bigheartedness; bounteousness;


generous; unkindness; stingy; selfishness; stinginess; illiberality;

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