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get laid Meaning in Bengali


পাড়া পেতে,

get laid's Usage Examples:

’ What’s so bad about that? That they want to get laid, too? Guess what? Guys have always wanted sex and will continue to want.

show for people who have way better things to do with their weekend than get laid.

scruples in the search for the Holy Grail, which is to get laid.

A desperate attempt to get laid.


express; obtain; buy; gather up; come by; take in; charter; catch; partake; isolate; take; make; recoup; incur; realize; engage; garner; partake in; capture; pull in; rent; hire; recover; recuperate; get back; share; collect; press out; call for; win; inherit; repossess; come into; receive; realise; extract; bring in; pick up; get hold; accept; profit; acquire; glom; clear; reclaim; preempt; poll; borrow; have; earn; come up; luck into; turn; retrieve; regain; find; gain; win back; come upon; benefit; line up; lease; enter upon; purchase;


refuse; lend; lose; sell; falsify;

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