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gnawer Meaning in Bengali




gnawer's Usage Examples:

Rongeur is a French word meaning rodent or 'gnawer'.

Even though he is a rat, or a gnawer, as the Underlanders say, he often fights alongside the humans - frequently.

One gnawer beside and one lost up ahead.

to conquer the whole of the Underland and dies with King Gorger and the gnawer attack force when Gregor lures them off a cliff.

when Gregor returns from the Firelands to warn Regalia of an impending gnawer attack.

called the progeny of Syöjätär; in a spell against "tooth worm" (Hammasmato, gnawer of teeth and bones, was believed to be the cause of tooth decay and infections).

of Germanic origin and is related to the Dutch kever, all of which mean "gnawer" as it relates to the jaw.

one creature — in Luxa's case, she was able to bond to both Ripred the gnawer and Aurora the flier.

Ripred Suzanne Collins The Underland Chronicles Main character, giant rat (gnawer), leader of the rat resistance Samuel Whiskers ' Anna Maria Beatrix Potter.

Twitchtip: A gnawer (rat) Ripred sends along because of her incredible sense of smell; she is.

Ripred: A gnawer (rat) and rager like Gregor.

An albino gnawer (giant, talking rat).


gerbil; Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris; prairie dog; lemming; mouse; mountain viscacha; squirrel; eutherian mammal; round-tailed muskrat; chinchillon; mountain chinchilla; chinchilla; dormouse; Cuniculus paca; order Rodentia; mara; eutherian; Chinchilla laniger; wood-rat; coypu; capibara; Lagostomus maximus; prairie marmot; Ondatra zibethica; musquash; Neofiber alleni; muskrat; Dolichotis patagonum; rodent; viscacha; porcupine; New World mouse; Sigmodon hispidus; water rat; Rodentia; rat; jumping mouse; gerbille; placental mammal; Florida water rat; chinchilla rat; mole rat; beaver; hedgehog; mountain beaver; Myocastor coypus; cavy; Aplodontia rufa; marmot; jerboa; mountain paca; placental; Dasyprocta aguti; paca; sewellel; hamster; murine; cotton rat; agouti; capybara; rat chinchilla; abrocome; sand rat; nutria; wood rat;


nonworker; idle; aplacental; digitigrade mammal; plantigrade mammal;

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