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go bust Meaning in Bengali

 ব্যর্থ হওয়া,

go bust's Usage Examples:

Formerly a boomtown, the Great Recession has caused the town to go bust.

model inefficient private commercial enterprises should be allowed to go bust, the banks were "too big to fail".

interest rate rises many of the projects that are on the market today will go bust, which is claimed to become a big set-back for the renewable energy industry.

rights issue in late 2018, and by mid 2019, analysts considered Kier might "go bust".

bust, they must match the bet of all players who didn’t go bust.

If the dealer doesn’t go bust, all players must show their face down card.

determined to get the best possible result, even if it meant the company did go bust.

Shortly after the release of David Cassidy, Enigma Records would go bust, leaving David Cassidy to once again change record labels.

leadership, Austria decided against letting state lender Hypo Alpe Adria go bust; instead, the government created a "bad bank" for 18 billion euros ("25.

"Big brands go bust as smart luggage is banned on major US airlines".

"Look back in laughter: Is the comedy boom just about to go bust?".

companies in the Chinese market, "80 [to] 90 percent" of which "might go bust".

"Borders, Angus ' Robertson go bust".

Jack Ruby), for "doing such a bad job and causing his hit-man business to go bust.


hasten; drag; tramp; uprise; do; get around; roam; go down; shuttle; wheel; pan; travel along; pelt along; pace; automobile; take the air; ascend; transfer; plough; creep; meander; ferry; speed; go around; whisk; float; progress; travel by; motor; swim; thread; get about; run; retrograde; go up; lift; come up; drift; rush; be adrift; come down; pass over; belt along; spurt; trail; zoom; journey; march on; go past; career; snowshoe; lurch; taxi; trundle; push; ride; hurtle; lance; drive; swan; bucket along; pass; glide; slither; prance; step; range; go forward; sit; rove; slice into; travel rapidly; descend; advance; retire; recede; billow; angle; hie; stray; pass on; wend; travel purposefully; circle; race; resort; steam; plow; walk; whine; go on; draw; fly; overfly; continue; follow; caravan; island hop; cast; outflank; whoosh; step on it; sift; crank; move around; crawl; arise; pull away; zigzag; displace; tread; jump; swash; accompany; move; cruise; pursue; whistle; slide; shack; locomote; bang; vagabond; propagate; pull back; move back; err; zip; spread; turn; round; seek; change; pass by; forge; circulate; whish; withdraw; cannonball along; hotfoot; wind; swap; return; weave; travel; hiss; breeze; flock; precess; swing; come; hurry; betake oneself; circuit; fall; raft; ramble; tram; rise; bounce; wander; repair; lead; move up; beetle; play; roll; steamer; move on; go by; ease; spirt; carry; derail; ghost; draw back; blow; go through; scramble; surpass; back; wing; retreat; go across; slice through; precede; rush along; proceed; jounce; ski;


rise; recede; ascend; ride; linger; stay in place; precede; descend; go; advance; fall; follow;

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