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good family Meaning in Bengali


good family's Usage Examples:

Bon chic bon genre is a term for fashionable people of good family ("bon genre"), especially in Paris.

interpretation: it could simply mean that they have been born into a good family or circumstance; or that they habitually experience improbably positive.

and again, secretly, in 1534, to William Stafford, a soldier from a good family but with few prospects.

Taylor, "suggestive of good family connexions", based on its appearance in the genealogy of the immortal.

They can make good family dogs and are patient with children, but can require some sort of purpose.

She is stated by Athenaeus to have been a hetaera of good family and education, and to have been a disciple of Stilpo.

Aruna Mucherla also acted in some good family-oriented movies like Kathula Poo, Sakalakala Sambanthi, and Penmani Aval.

and English 'woman') in the original and strict sense is a woman of good family, analogous to the Latin generosus and generosa.

Angiosperm Phylogeny website indicates the Olacaceae (sensu APG II) are not a good family and should be split.

The breed's particular blend of characteristics makes them good family pets, as well as keen guard dogs.

The breed is known for making a good family pet, particularly as they are patient with children.

fond of cooking and storytelling, Warren G embraces "his morals and good family fun.

They make good family dogs and are at their best when they have a job to do.

Golden Retrievers make good family pets, particularly as they are patient with children.

Byrne asked of O'Brien "Why doesn’t his good family give him a home?" which infuriated O'Brien.

She was “of good family, recently married, and well educated with an infant son at her breast.

loyalty and playfulness; they are friendly with children and considered a good family pet.


social unit; house; menage; foster home; conjugal family; foster family; unit; nuclear family; household; broken home; menage a trois; extended family; home;


divest; purebred; crossbred; disrepute; uninitiate;

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