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grandiloquence Meaning in Bengali

উচ্চ উড়া শৈলী; মৌখিক অলঙ্করণ অত্যধিক ব্যবহার

grandiloquence's Usage Examples:

"American grandiloquence is too well known.

Synonyms include wordiness, verbiage, prolixity, grandiloquence, garrulousness, expatiation, logorrhea, and sesquipedalianism.

overlaid with a racy personal idiom, a witty mixture of archaic grandiloquence, modern slang, and (in some passages) the jargon of sociology, television.

very high-register phrasing more appropriate to a nobleman, conveying grandiloquence and self-importance.

simplifying poetry for its readers at a time when poets were inclined to grandiloquence.

Although occasionally his grandiloquence blunts the poetic effect of his work, some of Sikelianos finer lyrics.

entirely free from any suggestion of eccentricity or pseudo-Wagnerian grandiloquence.

the intimacy of "Power and the Land," another Ivens film, abstract grandiloquence is the keynote.

fibre used directly as padding (and not as fabric), similarly refers to grandiloquence by extension.

which (inspired by the Romantic taste for the medieval) were characterised more by prosopography and grandiloquence than by historical precision.

The bombastic grandiloquence of the piece became proverbial, and Shakespeare is believed to allude.

Although the grandiloquence of his literary style was on occasion mocked by some of his peers, he.

Substitution of a less offensive or more agreeable term for another grandiloquence: Pompous speech exclamation: A loud calling or crying out humour: Provoking.

Prithvi Vallabh (1943), wherein Modi made the most of his gift for grandiloquence to evoke historical grandeur.

style, the poet's work is marked by his simplicity, distant from the grandiloquence and the metrical structure of the neoclassic poets.

The band's official biography, keeping up their reputation for grandiloquence, also describes how they met in a Turkish bath.

He and VD act as if they have also argued about VD's grandiloquence behavior and VD fires Sir Jeffrey.

He concluded that "the egotism and grandiloquence are maddeningly at odds with the sustained brilliance of the spectacle".

Edgar Allan Poe felt that he was "not unapt to fall into pompous grandiloquence" and sometimes was "woefully turgid", while others saw his novels as.

grandiloquence's Meaning':

high-flown style; excessive use of verbal ornamentation


ornateness; grandiosity; style; expressive style; bombast; rhetoric; rant; claptrap; blah; magniloquence; flourish; fustian;


terseness; verboseness; inelegance; let go of;

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