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half and half Meaning in Bengali

 দুই বস্তুর সমপরিমাণর মিশ্র, আধা আধি,

half and half's Usage Examples:

This move is referred to as a half and half suplex as it is a combination of a ¾ nelson suplex and a tiger suplex.

Cream (usually light/single cream or half and half) is often added to coffee in the US and Canada.

Often milk, half and half, or cream liqueur will be used as an alternative to cream.

that the avoirdupois pound had three even numbers as divisors (half and half and half again) may have been a cause of much of its popularity, so that.

Lithuanian Cepelinai and German Klöße Kroppkakor are served with butter or half and half, lingonberry jam or White sauce.

A cream soup is a soup prepared using cream, light cream, half and half or milk as a key ingredient.

In Ireland, the drink is called a half and half.

Alternatively, it may have been referred to as "ha-hah" as an abbreviation of "half and half" with half a wall and half a ditch.

Slavink is a Dutch meat dish consisting usually of ground meat called "half and half" (half beef, half pork) wrapped in bacon (the Dutch equivalent of bacon.


half brother; stepbrother; blood brother; brother;


sister; female sibling; foe; nonmember; babe;

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