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half year Meaning in Bengali


half year's Usage Examples:

The championship title of the unbeaten Postás was withdrawn half year after the last match, due to a bribery scandal.

Five quaestors are elected among the MEPs for two and a half year-terms, i.

Beatles first LP, Please Please Me, in 1963, except for the two and a half year spell later in the 1960s when the soundtrack of The Sound of Music went.

The old Norse calendar consisted of a summer half year and a winter half year, not the four seasons modern Europeans are accustomed to.

Chavos is best remembered for his four-and-a-half year spell with PAOK.

The Varanasi and Salem campuses also offer a one and half year Post Diploma in Textile Processing.

The campaign and subsequent three and a half year Japanese occupation was also a major factor in the end of Dutch colonial.

were transformed by redevelopment works carried out during the two and a half year construction of the line, which opened on 16 December 2006 under the designation.


30 minutes; hr; unit of time; hour; 60 minutes; time unit;


sunset; sunrise;

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