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head word Meaning in Bengali


মাথা শব্দ,

head word's Usage Examples:

equivalent; one element is the head word, and the other element is the modifier that modifies the head word.

Usually, the head word is a noun, a verb, or an.

idiolect is determined by where the word is in comparison to the window's head word, the edge of the window.

miracles) There is no agreement of the adjective, or modifier with the head word.

categorial grammar, such principles are embedded in the category of the head word itself.

There is prototypically a head word that comes before the connector and another one following.

A phrase often inherits category values from its head word; for example, in the above sentences, the noun phrase the birds inherits.

etymology of consilium, it is very uncertain whence consulere-solere, the head word, comes, although very probably not from con-sideo.

Languages typically construct phrases with a head word (or nucleus) and zero or more dependents (modifiers).

different forms, and the choice between them depends on the vowels of the head word.

Dependent words and adjectives are normally before their head word.

are no further adverbs in the sentence, the proclitic attaches to the head word of the predicate, as in the sentence xʷiʔ čəxʷ sixʷ ləbakʷɬ ' Don't get.


dissyllable; word form; linguistic unit; loan-blend; neologism; coinage; opposite; opposite word; polysyllabic word; headword; deictic word; holonym; hybrid; disyllable; closed-class word; syllable; reduplication; head word; partitive; polysemous word; written word; dirty word; loanblend; monosyllable; syncategoreme; affix; whole name; proparoxytone; form; subordinate word; content word; trisyllable; anagram; meronym; guide word; vocable; language unit; superordinate word; open-class word; primitive; polysemantic word; antonym; polysemant; substantive; signifier; classifier; logical quantifier; synonym; paroxytone; back-formation; neology; cognate word; terminology; nomenclature; function word; derivative; term; four-letter word; cognate; palindrome; catchword; language; descriptor; manner name; deictic; troponym; homonym; anaphor; hapax legomenon; quantifier; loan; retronym; guideword; hypernym; loanword; metonym; key word; superordinate; diminutive; heteronym; part name; hyponym; charade; monosyllabic word; oxytone; equivalent word; nonce word; syncategorem; contraction; subordinate; spoken word; head; four-letter Anglo-Saxon word; polysyllable;


synonym; antonym; categoreme; categorem; singular;

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