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heliometer Meaning in Bengali

 যে যন্ত্রের সাহায্যে জ্যোতিষ্ক সমুহের ব্যাস নিখুতভাবে মাপা যায়

একটি যন্ত্র দুটি স্টার যে খুব বেশী দূরে সরাইয়া একজন সাধারণ দূরবীন দৃশ্যে ক্ষেত্রে অন্তর্ভুক্ত করা হয় কৌণিক বিচ্ছেদ পরিমাপ ব্যবহার

heliometer's Usage Examples:

parallax measurement in 1838, for the star 61 Cygni, using a Fraunhofer heliometer at Königsberg Observatory.

A heliometer (from Greek ἥλιος hḗlios "sun" and measure) is an instrument originally designed for measuring the variation of the sun's diameter at different.

Jean-Charles Houzeau invented in 1871 a heliometer with unequal focal lengths.

several astronomical instruments of historical interest, including a noted heliometer and large meridian circle, and also a vertical circle.

first magnitude stars using a heliometer.

a two-foot transit instrument, three Hadley sextants, an achromatic heliometer, a two-foot achromatic refractor, a Gregorian reflector and many clocks.

French Academy of Sciences awarded him the Prix Valz in 1902 for his heliometer observations and work on variable stars.

Both parties used a specially designed heliometer for this purpose.

A student of Friedrich Bessel, he observed with the famous Königsberg heliometer.

His solar parallax observations with a heliometer and his calculations of distances to the nearer stars, are testimony to.

of a star was determined successfully for first time by Bessel using a heliometer of Fraunhofer.

Observatory and that of Friedrich Bessel in Germany, Hall used the Yale heliometer to determine the mass of Saturn using the orbit of Titan when writing.

The observatory also possessed a heliometer, ordered from Repsold and Sons by H.

and heliometers.

on astrophotography and spectroscopy, and the related instrument, the heliometer, was used to calculate the distance to another star for the first time.

heliometer's Meaning':

an instrument used to measure the angular separation of two stars that are too far apart to be included in the field of view of an ordinary telescope

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