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hybridoma Meaning in Bengali

একটি লিম্ফোসাইট এবং একটি টিউমার সেল লয় ফলে একটি সংকর সেল; সংস্কৃতি একটি নির্দিষ্ট monoclonal অ্যান্টিবডি করতে ব্যবহৃত



hybridoma's Usage Examples:

antibodies isolated from cell culture supernatants of these hybridoma clones (hybridoma lines) are simply called monoclonals.

human-derived hybridomas.

In 1975, Georges Köhler and César Milstein succeeded in making fusions of myeloma cell lines with B cells to create hybridomas that could.

Köhler for developing the hybridoma technique for the production of monoclonal antibodies.

Hybridoma Bank (DSHB) is a National Resource established by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in 1986 to bank and distribute at cost hybridomas.

A rabbit hybridoma is a hybrid cell line formed by the fusion of an antibody producing rabbit B cell with a cancerous B-cell (myeloma).

, in hybridoma technology.

cell types, especially human T/B-lymphocytes, bone marrow cells, and hybridoma cells.

created directly from subcloned heavy and light chains derived from a hybridoma.

In contrast to monoclonal antibodies produced by hybridoma technology, which may lose the capacity to produce the desired antibody.

who isolated IL17A transcript from a rodent T-cell hybridoma.

first, mouse hybridoma cells whose monoclonal antibodies target one of the desired antigens are produced.

Independently, rat hybridoma cells targeting.

fusion is production of monoclonal antibodies in hybridoma technology, where hybrid cell lines (hybridomas) are formed by fusing specific antibody-producing.

medium, used in microbiology and immunology, for example in culturing hybridoma cells Hungarian-made Automated Telescope, used in the HATNet Project Hat.

Expression of this gene in retrovirally transduced T cell hybridoma significantly inhibits activation-induced IL2 and IL4 cytokine production.

hybridoma's Meaning':

a hybrid cell resulting from the fusion of a lymphocyte and a tumor cell; used to culture a specific monoclonal antibody

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