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hyperbolize Meaning in Bengali

সীমা বা সত্য পরলোক বড় করার

hyperbolize's Usage Examples:

Hence, literally has become one of the primary ways to exaggerate and hyperbolize a statement.

More than objects of technical virtuosity, these works hyperbolize the fragility of fine ceramics and the elasticity of porcelain.

"egomaniacal delusions that I've had since I was a kid – I tried to hyperbolize them to see how far it would go.

reports, but often make claims extrapolated beyond the study data or hyperbolize study findings.

popularized in news reports, but often extrapolate beyond the study data or hyperbolize study findings.

hyperbolize's Meaning':

to enlarge beyond bounds or the truth


embellish; dramatize; shoot a line; overemphasise; misinform; gas; boast; hyperbolise; lard; bluster; swash; mislead; pad; overstress; vaunt; blow; exaggerate; gasconade; embroider; aggrandize; overemphasize; brag; aggrandise; dramatise; tout; overstate; blow up; amplify; magnify; overdraw;


understate; uglify; worsen; undeceive; unleaded gasoline;

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