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hyperbolized Meaning in Bengali

সীমা বা সত্য পরলোক বড় করার

hyperbolized's Usage Examples:

proposed to render the name as 'the people of the surroundings' – perhaps hyperbolized as 'the people of the world' –, by deriving Ambiani from ambio- ('surroundings').

have depicted and defined — that is, slandered, celebrated, obfuscated, hyperbolized, ventriloquized, photographed, surveyed, and/or exhumed — the vast, vexed.

B" (whose name is revealed to Booby) to his servant maid are hyperbolized, rendering their supposed love-match contemptible and absurd.

the subject matter in the frame by using strobe and fill-flash that hyperbolized the glitz of the composition, and gave the composition a disorienting.

star of the comedy short film Lucy in the Sky with Diamond, playing a hyperbolized version of himself known as the elusive and mysterious LDP—a renegade.

nothing here that Trump wouldn't have authorized, notarized and no doubt hyperbolized.

In the film, a hyperbolized DUMBA was the site of Justin Bond's salon.

balance between the music and "grand images [that] were not in any way hyperbolized", and the composer in turn implementing "a strong sense of melody, which.

before the shoot, Goude often worked with his models to find the best "hyperbolized" position to take his photos.

Pavel Fokin noted that in his assessments Zinoviev hyperbolized Gorbachev's political role in the Soviet Union, without noticing Yeltsin's.

was keen, as indeed I was, that the grand images were not in any way hyperbolized, and that there would be a balance between playing with, and against.

Sasha Rink alternated from viewing the film as surreal with "hyperbolized parodies" to documentary-realism – emphasized by rough shots and editing.

hyperbolized's Meaning':

to enlarge beyond bounds or the truth


embellish; dramatize; shoot a line; overemphasise; misinform; gas; boast; hyperbolise; lard; bluster; swash; mislead; pad; overstress; vaunt; blow; exaggerate; gasconade; embroider; aggrandize; overemphasize; brag; aggrandise; dramatise; tout; overstate; blow up; amplify; magnify; overdraw;


understate; uglify; worsen; undeceive; unleaded gasoline;

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