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iconographic Meaning in Bengali



iconographic শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

শিল্প অত্যন্ত শৈল্পিক এবং শিল্পকর্মগুলি ধর্মীয় অর্থের প্রতিফলনকারী মূর্র্তিশিল্প ব্যবহার করে ।

ক্ল্যামিস এবং একটি পেটাসাস টুপি পরা (হার্মিস/মারকিউরির অনুরূপ একটি মূর্র্তিশিল্প), একটি চাকা ঘোরাচ্ছেন ।

iconographic's Usage Examples:

various iconographic treatises write about the mythology and iconography of Ardhanarishvara.

Ardhanarishvara remains a popular iconographic form found.

a frame that surrounds the totality of an iconographic figure.

The himation continued into the Byzantine era as "iconographic dress" used in art and by the lower classes, worn by Christ, the Virgin.

are significant in art history, as the artist had more freedom from iconographic conventions than in the main panel; they could only be seen from close.

principal area of interest is the recent history of the material and iconographic culture of biomedicine.

It is generally made of metal, round, having the iconographic likeness of an angel with six wings, and is set on the end of a pole.

Buddhist iconographic form, he is often portrayed as a man dressed in traditional Chinese Emperor robes and crown.

In another iconographic form, he is.

painting combines post-Byzantine and Italian mannerist stylistic and iconographic elements.

On the basis of iconographic comparisons, the treasure has been dated to between 2600 and 1700 BC.

A popular iconographic motif in the Middle Ages, it stems from the story of the woman who offered.

paintings were found during an archaeological excavation - a non-figurative iconographic grouping made up of smaller groups of red dots, either isolated or forming.

A later form was attached as a brooch, with the thematic, iconographic function and statement outweighing its actual use as a piece of jewellery.

It is the only monument of Bronze Age Greece to bear an iconographic motif that survived without being buried underground.

The Casina's rich and at times obscure iconographic programme, of the efficacy of baptism, the primacy of the papacy and.

The iconographical attributes of Shiva are the serpent around his neck, the adorning crescent.

illustrate a poster at the 1949 Paris Peace Congress and also became an iconographic image of the period, known as "The dove of peace".

of vitreous enameling, allowing the illustration of small, detailed, iconographic portraits.

" In 1961, Weston Woods Studios made an iconographic version of the story produced and directed by Morton Schindel, narrated.

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