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ictal Meaning in Bengali

বা একটি দখলের বা খিঁচুনি সংক্রান্ত

ictal's Usage Examples:

during a seizure is said to be "ictal".

Pre-ictal refers to the state immediately.

as peri-ictal headache, which can occur either before (pre-ictal) or after (post-ictal) the seizure, to which the term ictal refers.

An ictal headache.

No ictal motor activity was seen in nearly 10 percent The most common ictal lateralizing sign was unilateral clonic activity in 56 percent Ictal dystonic.

(syncope-like epileptic seizures or ictal syncope) before or often without convulsions.

Syncope-like epileptic seizures (ictal syncope) with the child becoming.

ISAS (Ictal-Interictal SPECT Analysis by SPM) is an objective tool for analyzing ictal vs.

interictal SPECT scans.

The goal of ictal SPECT is to localize.

Inter-ictal spiking refers to abnormal neuronal discharges between epileptic seizures.

Elementary visual hallucinations are the most common and characteristic ictal symptoms, and are most likely to be the first and often the only clinical.

Such arrhythmias are defined as ictal arrhythmias and include the ictal asystole, which is a rare occurrence mostly in people that.

Imaging in Python (DIPY) EEGLAB FMRIB Software Library (FSL) FreeSurfer ISAS (Ictal-Interictal SPECT Analysis by SPM) LONI Pipeline, Laboratory of Neuro Imaging.

This vocalization is commonly referred to as an "ictal cry.

experiencing frequent auras, perceived as numinous in character, exhibit greater ictal and interictal spirituality.

report with ictal single photon emission computed tomography.

software package was developed to locate the epileptogenic focus using Ictal and Inter-ictal SPECT images and MRI employing the SISCOM methodology.

consciousness becomes impaired during the ictal progress and in one third there is no recollection of ictal events.

"Palilalia, echolalia, and echopraxia-palipraxia as ictal manifestations in a patient with left frontal lobe epilepsy".

Dictionary, the first major presentation of Interlingua to the public Inter-ictal epileptiform discharge, a characteristic of epileptic seizures Intermittent.

activity Limitations of ECoG include: Limited sampling time – seizures (ictal events) may not be recorded during the ECoG recording period Limited field.

After the active portion of a seizure (the ictal state) there is typically a period of recovery during which there is confusion.

ictal's Meaning':

of or relating to a seizure or convulsion

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