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immanently Meaning in Bengali

immanently's Usage Examples:

In this way, the Partzuf Arich Anpin is said to descend immanently through all levels of Creation as their concealed substratum Divine intention.

transcendental absolute principle (monistic theologies), which manifests immanently in nature (panentheistic and pantheistic theologies).

theology, Christ and the Holy Spirit immanently reveal themselves; God the Father only reveals himself immanently vicariously through the Son and Spirit.

Therefore Özalp means "immanently gallant" or "inherently valorous".

arose out of the pre-established harmony between the alterations produced immanently within different substances.

functioning and operating consistently upon it, with it and through it, immanently mapping its environment, discovering its own dynamic powers and kinetic.

Mahavairocana Tantra, comments that Mahavairocana's virtues are deemed to be immanently universal within all beings: "The principle doctrine of the Dainichikyo.

properties, while nonexistent objects are said to exemplify, satisfy, immanently contain or be consubstantiated by properties that are actually possessed.

rule is "a socially transmitted and customary normative injunction or immanently normative disposition, that in circumstances X do Y" (Hodgson, 2006, p.

This is the light that descends immanently to every level of the Chain of Worlds, itself creating every spiritual.

Mimalei Kol Olmin, the Divine creative light that "Fills all Worlds" immanently, according to their particular spiritual capacity to receive.

interacting throughout spiritual and physical existence, reveal the divine immanently, and are bound up in the life of man.

("The Holy One Blessed be He") and the female Malkuth (which descends immanently into creation as the exiled Shekhina divine Presence).

politicians, and statesman who are embedded within political institutions and immanently aware of their constraints and limitations, rather than from the supposedly.

authors agree and also describe Goddess as, at one and the same time, immanently pantheistic and panentheistic.

transcendental absolute principle (monistic theologies), which manifests immanently in nature.

Elokim describes God's concealing limitation to allow His lifeforce to immanently form the finite Worlds (becoming "Lord", the master relating to this world.

" Precisely because it is not structured immanently, the 'Grundrisse' provides a key to read Capital.

The object of perception is immanently tied to its background—to the nexus of meaningful relations among objects.

Buddhahood not as something outside or an event in the future, but as immanently present.

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