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immunoassay Meaning in Bengali



immunoassay's Usage Examples:

An immunoassay is a biochemical test that measures the presence or concentration of a macromolecule or a small molecule in a solution through the use.

The assay uses a solid-phase type of enzyme immunoassay (EIA) to detect the presence of a ligand (commonly a protein) in a liquid.

A radioimmunoassay (RIA) is an immunoassay that uses radiolabeled molecules in a stepwise formation of immune complexes.

Enzyme multiplied immunoassay technique (EMIT) is a common method for qualitative and quantitative determination of therapeutic and recreational drugs.

Surround optical-fiber immunoassay (SOFIA) is an ultrasensitive, in vitro diagnostic platform incorporating a surround optical-fiber assembly that captures.

HBsAg detection by immunoassay is used in blood screening, to establish a diagnosis of hepatitis B infection.

identifying the problem by finding a solution involving the chemical immunoassay.

Unlike many other immunoassays, such as ELISA, an SPR immunoassay is label free in that a label molecule is not required.

An enzyme immunoassay is any of several immunoassay methods that use an enzyme bound to an antigen or antibody.

measurement of enzyme activities, spectrophotometry, electrophoresis, and immunoassay.

Magnetic immunoassay (MIA) is a type of diagnostic immunoassay using magnetic beads as labels in lieu of conventional enzymes (ELISA), radioisotopes (RIA).

(ELISA, or EIA), radioallergosorbent test (RAST) and fluorescent enzyme immunoassay (FEIA).

A cloned enzyme donor immunoassay (CEDIA) is a competitive homogenous enzyme immunoassay.

Mass spectrometric immunoassay (MSIA) is a rapid method is used to detect and/ or quantify antigens and or antibody analytes.

identification mechanism is through immunoassay.

Abbott Labs' AxSYM is an immunoassay device utilizing Fluorescence Polarization Immunoassay (FPIA) technology that.

Fluorescence polarization immunoassay (FPIA) is a class of in vitro biochemical test used for rapid detection of antibody or antigen in sample.

'sandwich' immunoassays are particularly susceptible to this interference.

(Sandwich immunoassay = two-site, noncompetitive immunoassays in which the.

[clarify] Such a change has happened with the immunoassay standards for prolactin: as one batch of standard (84/500; 53 mIU ≈ 2.

A compact disk/digital versatile disk (CD/DVD) based immunoassay is a method for determining the concentration of a compound in research and diagnostic.

Analytical chemistry Immunoassay Magnetic immunoassay Harvey, David (2009).


immunochemical assay; bioassay; bio-assay; radioimmunoassay;

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