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impoverishes Meaning in Bengali

 দরিদ্র করা, শক্তি ফুরাইয়া ফেলা, নি:স্ব করা, দীন দরিদ্র করা, নি:স্বম্বল করা,

করতে দরিদ্র


নি:স্বম্বল করা, দীন-দরিদ্র করা, নি:স্ব করা, শক্তি ফুরাইয়া ফেলা, দরিদ্র করা,

impoverishes's Usage Examples:

people, retards immigration, prevents development of our resources, and impoverishes the masses.

himself more or less than he impoverishes society, and a naive person may enrich society more or less than he impoverishes himself and/or allows himself.

The Old Calendarists believe that this impoverishes the liturgical and spiritual life of the Church Greek Independence Day.

hospice, only ruled 'for its exclusive benefit, acts unscrupulously and impoverishes the country.

" … The existence of poverty not only deprives the poor; it impoverishes the whole economy.

discovers that the city is in the iron grip of a corrupt high priest who impoverishes the people through fear demanding they pay indulgences in exchange for.

themes – repulsion with slaughter that aggrandizes one man and kills and impoverishes thousands, understanding of the human need to glorify heroes, and subtle.

The Old Calendarists believe that this impoverishes the liturgical and spiritual life of the Church.

confiscate, but they confiscate arbitrarily; and, while the process impoverishes many, it actually enriches some.

soils are affected in a general way by a process of salinization that impoverishes them.

it), he then says reason is facing an "epidemic of superstition" that "impoverishes our culture" and introduces gurus that persuade us "to run away from.

This in turn leads to brain drain in favour of the North that further impoverishes the South.

against land laws that hold natively owned land in reserve, saying that impoverishes the indigenous landowners and contributes to Fiji's growing squatter.

interactions in the xiè cycle are: Wood depletes Water Water rusts Metal Metal impoverishes Earth (overmining or over-extraction of the earth's minerals) Earth smothers.

hard to understand the logic of a man-made policy which deliberately impoverishes so many and condemns hundreds of thousands of potentially productive.

part: "For teaching us that the loss of knowledge and species anywhere impoverishes us all; for combining humanitarian vision with academic rigor and moral.

"Silent oceans: ocean acidification impoverishes natural soundscapes by altering sound production of the world's noisiest.

At the same time, Trotsky writes that this ruling stratum impoverishes the rest of society, asserting that "a planned economy requires democracy.

impoverishes's Meaning':

make poor


disestablish; worsen; decline; deprive;


better; enrich; keep quiet; function; stay;

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