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impudence Meaning in Bengali

 নির্লজ্জতা, ঔদ্ধত্য, ধৃষ্টতা, আস্পর্ধা, বেহায়াপনা, ঠেঁটাম, চাপল্য, চপলতা, নির্লজ্জ, অভদ্রতা, , অবিনয়,


চপলতা, চাপল্য, ঠেঁটাম, বেহায়াপনা, আস্পর্ধা, ধৃষ্টতা, ঔদ্ধত্য, নির্লজ্জতা,

impudence's Usage Examples:

challenged the gods to a musical contest on the conch shell, and for his impudence was drowned by Triton.

so "colossal" that no one would believe that someone "could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.

His impudence drew upon him the surname of "the dog.

own Vision of Judgment with an attack on "The gross flattery, the dull impudence, the renegado intolerance, and impious cant, of the poem", and mischievously.

evangelical clergy is carried on in so venomous a way, and with so much impudence, and so little regard to truth, that the mischief it does is very great.

although a version of a reply to the corporation berating them for their impudence and refusing to follow their instructions was published, probably as a.

The king of the Cimbri was indignant at this impudence and had Scaurus executed.

person brave enough to sit in the chair at such a time may be punished for impudence or rewarded for courage.

public morality; in the words of Cicero, these were seen as 'schools of impudence'.

ferocious and hideous, with his black face, the Transcendent Pig had the impudence to swallow Erh-lang, the nephew of the August Personage of Jade himself.

remarkable power, always so as to make them convey expressions of defiant impudence or anger.

behaviour towards our superiors’, namely bashfulness and ‘overbearing impudence’.


crust; hutzpah; cheekiness; impertinence; freshness; insolence; gall; discourtesy; chutzpa; chutzpah; rudeness;


soothe; civility; graciousness; politeness; courtesy;

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