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in consequence of Meaning in Bengali


in consequence of's Usage Examples:

Both suffer in consequence of freedom.

Charles Spurgeon said, "Many blessings may come to the unconverted in consequence of a revival among Christians, but the revival itself has to do only.

their natural functions, though new properties and faculties arise in consequence of it.

landscapes, figure subjects and cherubs, who sought refuge in England in consequence of the Franco-Prussian War.

Called in consequence of the death of the incumbent Conservative MP, Arnold Wilson, it was.

The new constitutional arrangements proved short-lived in consequence of the 1798 uprising by the United Irishmen.

Attis destroyed by a supernatural boar to account for the fact that "in consequence of these events the Galatians who inhabit Pessinous do not touch pork".

It was one of several regiments raised in consequence of the American Revolutionary War.

relation to Western Europe, and because of the end of the Ottoman state in consequence of the partitioning of the Ottoman Empire by the League of Nations mandate.

the month at which the sacred festivals of the Greeks began, and in consequence of which the whole month received the name of men hieros (sacred month).

usage, forfeiture is deprivation or destruction of a right in consequence of the non-performance of some obligation or condition.

The Act, which came into effect on 1 January 1949, was passed in consequence of the 1947 Commonwealth conference on nationality and citizenship, which.

Michigan Senate contested under the constituency boundaries drawn in consequence of the 2010 U.

that Quintus Fabius Maximus Verrucosus resigned the dictatorship in consequence of a "warning" from these creatures; according to Varro, Cassius Flaminius.

the Jews; and the obtaining of protection for those who may suffer in consequence of being Jews'.

In 105 BC Albucius was praetor in Sardinia, and in consequence of some insignificant success which he had gained over some robbers,.

and blockhouse were built on the island as defences for the city, in consequence of the War of 1812.




fair; unclassified;

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