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in the direction of Meaning in Bengali


in the direction of's Usage Examples:

meter) as the actual source antenna at a distant receiver located in the direction of the antenna's strongest beam (main lobe).

normal to the surface n̂ is defined such that the right thumb points in the direction of n̂, and the fingers curl along the orientation of the bounding curve.

to score a goal by striking or snapping the puck with their stick in the direction of the net.

family home muttering “Distressed am I, oppressed am I” and journeyed in the direction of Isipatana where the Buddha was temporarily residing after his first.

determined by measuring the distance between leading and trailing edges in the direction of the airflow.

This is in contrast to a longitudinal wave which travels in the direction of its oscillations.

travels in a straight line at increasing speeds, it is accelerating in the direction of travel.

done on) an object when a force of one newton acts on that object in the direction of the force's motion through a distance of one metre (1 newton metre.

angle from the body's ascending node to its periapsis, measured in the direction of motion.

radial velocity is the component of the object's velocity that points in the direction of the radius connecting the point and the object.

Using the right hand, pointing the thumb in the direction of the current, and the fingers in the direction of the magnetic field, the resulting force on.

columellar tooth is a raised projection on the inner lip of a columella in the direction of the aperture.

(which does not turn at all, drifts into a right-handed batsman in the direction of the bowler's arm movement; also called a 'floater') and the left-arm.

in two opposite directions: one in the direction of the Eurasian Plate to the west and the other in the direction of the Philippines Sea Plate to the.

the metre term represents the distance travelled or displacement in the direction of the force, and not the perpendicular distance from a fulcrum as it.

is said to do positive work if (when applied) it has a component in the direction of the displacement of the point of application.

transmission and reception, is adapted to each user to obtain highest gain in the direction of that user.

established on started drifting towards Canadian shores rather than in the direction of Fram Strait as planned.

fit better it can be horizontal, with a vertical line at the end (in the direction of reading).

Railway points (UK) or switches (US) are usually set in the direction of the main line by default.


month; phase of the moon; harvest moon; full; full phase of the moon; full moon;


emptiness; empty; thin; fractional; meager;

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