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in those days Meaning in Bengali


in those days's Usage Examples:

commands that the child be delivered with a Caesarian, an operation that in those days cost the life of the mother.

Suffragio and is named after the Virgin of the Annunciation, considered in those days to be the patron saint of the city.

held to award gold medals to the victorius Nil Desperandum players (in those days each county was represented by the previous years' county champions).

British and Foreign Unitarian Association: "By a happy coincidence, in those days of slow posts, no transatlantic telegraph, telephone or wireless, our.

what many considered the best of Atlanta and the surrounding region in those days, including the likes of Mother's Finest, Ezra Pound and a dozen other.

Moreover, in those days the Bogotá savanna consisted of various swamps and floodings were regular.

Originals were not smiled upon in those days, believe it or not.

There was very little interest in originals in those days.

The milk and cream used in those days would have been thicker so modern recipes may need to make some adjustments.

is: and thou holdest fast my name, and hast not denied my faith, even in those days wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where.

drummer and band co-founder Mick Fleetwood recalled, "her Rhiannon in those days was like an exorcism.

bet his manor of Kennerleigh against £500, by no means its value even in those days, that he won the game.

was dedicated to the Orontid Dynasty, Van city or, as it was called in those days, Yervandakan, Lake Van and Hayots Canion Gorge.

Genesis 6:4 reads as follows: The Nephilim were in the earth in those days, and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters.


humourous; facetious; humorous; bantering;


humorless; displeasing; humourless; po-faced; unfunny;

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