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inadvisedly Meaning in Bengali



inadvisedly's Usage Examples:

trials was the plight of Leon Duray "Jigger" Sirois, whose pit crew inadvisedly waved off his qualifying run on pole day.

Orange, in which she played a girl who uses social networking sites inadvisedly.

grass carp), or, inadvisedly, treated with a herbicide.

Kingdom in late March 2003, British Defence Secretary Geoff Hoon somewhat inadvisedly compared Umm Qasr to the southern English city of Southampton.

Genevier described the Agaricus mushrooms commonly eaten (perhaps sometimes inadvisedly) in the region of Nantes, and attempted to clarify the distinctions between.

Some advertising material issued to promote the series inadvisedly claimed that it was a "true-life story".

Marcel had joined Cale's rebellion somewhat inadvisedly, and when his wealthy supporters deserted his cause, it cost him the.

Cronjé then inadvisedly decided to form a laager and dig in on the banks of the Modder river.

disapprove statements in) decisions in tort law either now deemed wrong or inadvisedly considered" and disinclination toward any contention that change must.

Tsarina Alexandra, increasingly under the spell of Grigori Rasputin, inadvisedly passed along his suggested names for senior appointments to the tsar.

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