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incohesive Meaning in Bengali


সংযোগশীল, সংযোজক, সংসক্তিপ্রবণ,

incohesive's Usage Examples:

Cataclasites are distinguished from fault gouge, which is incohesive, and fault breccia, which contains coarser fragments.

It may be either cohesive or incohesive.

In comparison to fault breccia, which is another incohesive fault rock, fault gouge has a lower volume-fraction of visible fragments.

making the beginning of the game much more difficult, and making the plot incohesive.

cohesive with a poorly developed or absent planar fabric, or which is incohesive, characterised by generally angular clasts and rock fragments in a finer-grained.

In particular, the second sentence is incohesive and confusing.

out to literary agents and publishing houses but found the experience incohesive.

are able to promote their own self-interests once elected, providing an incohesive system of governance.

interesting than it sounds", finding it to be well-made but slightly incohesive.

providing a sense of community in what might otherwise be a socially incohesive and administratively daunting university environment.

In 2018, Forbes compared the drastic incohesive shift from Snyder's darker films Man of Steel and Batman v Superman: Dawn.

" Sonic Boom criticized the album for being incohesive but said "a casual flip through all of the tracks provide for a dizzying.

by this point Protopopov was mentally unstable and his speeches were incohesive.

fractures in delicate areas such as the spinal cord, massive confusion, incohesive, unable to answer simple questions, unresponsive but with vital signs.

Muslim armies were incohesive and seldom campaigned beyond a period between sowing and harvest.

to comply with Wikipedia's quality standards, as the whole article is incohesive.

How else do you explain the intentionally incohesive screenplay, the bizarre dialogue, and the blatant disregard for the viewer's.

praising its optimistic and dance nature, but criticizing it as mediocre, incohesive and lacking originality.

she was in the Rückert-Lieder, singing the first song with an "oddly incohesive line by line effect" and often mispronouncing her short "i" so as to turn.

website, Drowned in Sound, concluded, "Occasionally vague, sometimes incohesive and a little self-indulgent it may be, but ultimately Abnormally Attracted.

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