<< incompetent incompetents >>

incompetently Meaning in Bengali

incompetently's Usage Examples:

Mansa Khalifa was defeated and forced into exile while Mansa Wati ruled incompetently for four years.

Letellier justified the dismissal on charges that the government was acting incompetently and corruptly on the matter of railway legislation.

image that the White House staff at the event had handled the situation incompetently.

from the beginning; or B) Believe that the Iraq War is being waged incompetently or immorally, and have become publicly known as critics of the war.

mistake for his clan, as Cao Shuang monopolised power and governed incompetently, eventually drawing a violent reaction from Sima Yi, who overthrew him.

states to be involved in assigning referees whose roles require they act incompetently.

issue of whether the members of the OLB Engineering Committee acted incompetently or negligently has not been conclusively demonstrated or proven.

Bernard incompetently pronounces him dead.

The episode begins with Ian Duncan incompetently pretending to teach anthropology by showing viral videos from YouTube.

put forward an alternative view of the above, to wit that, far from incompetently pushing secret materials through Guk's letterbox, "[Bettaney] delivered.

campaigns, and Mark Kennedy himself who claimed in turn that he had been incompetently handled by his superiors and denied psychological counselling.

James Harg (Stuart) and his father work in a steelmaking plant which is incompetently run, with scant attention being paid to worker safety.

testing whether the particular doctor has misdiagnosed a patient so incompetently that it amounts to a crime, the standard must be that of a reasonable.

is embittered because he feels military scientific research is being incompetently managed.

and former MP, Rua Te Kahu, and the failing neighbouring spa Hostel, incompetently run for the last 12 years by Colonel and Mrs Claire, retired Anglo-Indians.

way, would fiddle with his props while his characters blithely and incompetently 'went about their work', his humour embodying the everyday and the absurd.

Coming to a Theater Near You commented that the movie was "a cheap, incompetently rendered film, but it is not a deceptive one".

Malicious, incompetently written, and/or poorly documented monkey patches can lead to problems:.

Clifford initially fights incompetently, taunted by the overconfident bully, but finally lands several solid.

imagery, and the music, with all its hints at the old glory, is often incompetently performed.


displaying incompetence;


ably; competently;

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