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incorrigibly Meaning in Bengali


সংস্কারসাধনের অসাধ্য,

incorrigibly's Usage Examples:

In this sense, a zindiq is perceived to be incorrigibly disloyal to the tenets of Islam.

Although Union supporters viewed him as incorrigibly evil, Confederate supporters in Missouri saw his actions as justifiable.

character of William are to be found in the Hyde Chronicle, calling him "incorrigibly turbulent" and in William of Malmesbury's depiction of William as having.

opportunity to learn and accept God's way, and third, resurrection of the incorrigibly wicked for final judgment.

Twiglets appeared to be flavored with Marmite yeast extract, that most incorrigibly British of household nutritional brands.

The incorrigibly impure were locked up forever.

similar opinion: "Even if you're a diehard "Twin Peaks" freak who's incorrigibly wild at heart, you'll be itching to check out of this 90-minute trilogy.

Philip would become a good Armenian, however, were frustrated, as he had "incorrigibly Latin tastes".

popular with students and old members, "adept in public relations" though "incorrigibly vague" in committee.

had been sent from Hell to Florence to investigate the excuses of its incorrigibly corrupt and wicked citizens (the Florentines blame their wives).

presented as a starkly necessary defense against alien beings who are incorrigibly dangerous or evil.

All those incorrigibly wicked, those who refuse to accept God's government and laws being judged.

overall impression is that the Bizkit remain as annoying, entertaining and incorrigibly obnoxious as they ever were.

grown up on a small plantation near Natchez, Mississippi, where his incorrigibly romantic mother had given him the first and middle names of the golden-haired.

in the government of Governor Berkeley, which has been described as "incorrigibly corrupt, inhumanely oppressive, and inexcusably inefficient, especially.

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