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incubating Meaning in Bengali

 ডিমে বসা, পুষ্টিসাধন করা, ডিমে তা দেত্তয়া, তা দেত্তয়া,


তা দেত্তয়া, ডিমে তা দেত্তয়া, পুষ্টিসাধন করা, ডিমে বসা,

incubating's Usage Examples:

project serves on the one hand as a temporary container project until the incubating project is accepted and becomes a top-level project of the Apache Software.

For incubating applications, vortex mixers can employ precision temperature control at.

Before becoming a TLP, Chemistry was just an incubating project, guided in its growth by the Incubator, like all Apache projects.

the young, and certain cichlids that are mouthbrooders, with the parent incubating the eggs in the buccal cavity.

"cooked", meaning made using thermophilic lactic fermentation starters, incubating the curd with a period at a high temperature of 45°C or more.

involved: for example, a breeding pair of birds may split building a nest, incubating the eggs and feeding and protecting the young.

The logo, dubbed Inutamago depicts a dog incubating eggs, which has been in use since 1998.

0-incubating and it as a parity release with Adobe Flex 4.

lifespan also depend on other factors such as the temperature of the incubating ootheca).

It is free and open-source software incubating under the Apache Software Foundation, with source code distributed under.

They lay 1 to 6 eggs in a nest in a tree, both sexes incubating.

Both of the remaining couple take duty of incubating the eggs.

are constructed as a place for fertilized eggs to be deposited while incubating and guarded by one or both parents (usually solely the male) until the.

0-incubating is released.

harems of males in the breeding season with males solely responsible for incubating eggs and taking care of the chicks.

mate with a second female while the first is incubating, and there are even records of two females incubating their clutches side by side in a nest.

It became a CNCF incubating project in 2018 at KubeCon+CloudNativeCon North America in Seattle that.

They lay two or three eggs in a nest in a tree, both sexes incubating.

years before I ever get around it writing lyrics, so it just sits there incubating.




decrease; divide;

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