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infiltrates Meaning in Bengali

 পরিব্যাপ্ত করা, পাতন করা, চোয়ান,


পাতন করা, পরিব্যাপ্ত করা,

infiltrates শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

ব্যবহৃত হয়; তবে এক্ষেত্রে সিলভার নাইট্রেট দ্রবণের সাথে আয়োডোমিথেনের পাতন করা হয়, যার ফলশ্রুতিতে সিলভার আয়োডাইডের অধঃক্ষেপ তৈরি হয় ।

স্ট্রনশিয়ামটি মিশ্রণ থেকে পাতন করা হয় ।

তেল শোধনাগার: অপরিশোধিত তেল প্রায়ই আরবি রসায়নবিদদের দ্বারা পাতন করা হত, যেমন মুহাম্মদ ইবনে জাকারিয়া রাজি এর মত আরবী হ্যান্ডবুকে সুস্পষ্ট বর্ণনা ।

infiltrates's Usage Examples:

biopsy of acute viral hepatitis typically shows panlobular lymphocytic infiltrates with ballooning hepatocytes (indicative of hepatocyte necrosis and hepatocyte.

uninhabitable volcanic desert, because the water precipitating as rain or snow infiltrates so quickly into the ground that it is unavailable for plant growth.

eczematous condition of the scalp in which thick tenaciously adherent scale infiltrates and surrounds the base of a group of scalp hairs.

In areas with sufficient precipitation, water infiltrates through pore spaces in the soil, passing through the unsaturated zone.

cutaneous syndromes characterized by infiltrates of Langerhans cells, as opposed to Non-X histiocytosis in which the infiltrates contain monocytes/macrophages.

The plot involves an insurance investigator (Trevor) who infiltrates a gang who had stolen jewels from the eponymous building on Maiden Lane.

malnutrition characterized by edema and an enlarged liver with fatty infiltrates.

where Superman hasn't aged a day since the Nazis won WWII; Clark Kent infiltrates Axis dominated Europe in pursuit of Lana Lang, who has fallen prey to.

syndromes characterized by infiltrates of monocytes/macrophages, as opposed to X-type histiocytoses in which the infiltrates contain Langerhans cells.

within an area is influenced by two factors, the rate at which water infiltrates or evapotranspirates from the soil, as well as the rate at which organic.

Once water infiltrates into the soil, it is still affected by gravity and infiltrates to the water table or if permeabliity.

officer who infiltrates himself into the German high command by broadcasting a series of pro-Nazi.

features of the syndrome including peripheral eosinophilia, pulmonary infiltrates, and less commonly neuropathy, sinusitis, and cardiomyopathy.

TAO identifies, monitors, infiltrates, and gathers intelligence on computer systems being used by entities.

The water infiltrates into the ground recharging the local groundwater, because the water table.

strayed Lister teen and Cordelia handles details of the escape plan, Angel infiltrates the enemy and discovers their secret weapon, a bomb-like device called.

screenplay concerns an American intelligence officer who goes undercover and infiltrates a ring of Nazi spies.

through surface flow, a considerable portion of meteoric water gradually infiltrates into the ground.

Pulmonary infiltrates are associated with pneumonia, and tuberculosis.

[citation needed] Pulmonary infiltrates can be observed on a chest.

characteristic of the presence of granulomas with polymorphic lymphoid infiltrates and focal necrosis within it.


sink in; filter; permeate; percolate;


dematerialise; dematerialize; keep down; stay in place; idle;

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