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instinctive reflex Meaning in Bengali


স্বতঃস্ফূর্ত প্রতিবিম্ব,

instinctive reflex's Usage Examples:

The title Thigmotactic refers to thigmotaxis, an instinctive reflex in response to physical touch, as mentioned in a passage from Ann.

Birds use flight as an instinctive reflex action and as their first means of escaping any threat; they take.

his close-range header was miraculously saved by Vanhamel with an instinctive reflex.


sneezing; pilomotor reflex; yawning; yawn; knee-jerk reflex; accommodation reflex; goose skin; oscitance; reflex; burp; micturition reflex; electrical shock; emesis; wink; sneeze; blinking; nictation; winking; horripilation; innate reflex; inborn reflex; reflex action; eructation; knee jerk; patellar reflex; defecation reflex; miosis; startle; blink; Babinski sign; eye blink; sternutation; Babinski; goose bump; regurgitation; flatus; gulping; rectal reflex; gooseflesh; nictitation; myosis; physiological reaction; singultus; reaction; pharyngeal reflex; fart; flush; rooting reflex; jump; gag reflex; light reflex; electric shock; reflex response; disgorgement; hiccough; burping; blush; hiccup; myotactic reflex; tremble; farting; wind; vomiting; suckling reflex; belch; stretch reflex; belching; unconditioned reflex; mydriasis; start; vomit; breaking wind; Babinski reflex; gulp; shiver; goosebump; plantar reflex; puking; goose pimple; shock; oscitancy; shake; pupillary reflex; response;


attentive; closed; wakefulness; voluntary; inhale;

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