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instruction execution Meaning in Bengali


নির্দেশ মৃত্যুদন্ড,

instruction execution's Usage Examples:

compiler, rather than complex on-die circuitry, to control parallel instruction execution.

re-order buffer (ROB) is used in a Tomasulo algorithm for out-of-order instruction execution.

availability of input arguments to the instructions, so that the order of instruction execution is unpredictable, i.

Model CX has an instruction execution rate of about 0.

The 3083 Models B and BX have an instruction execution rate ranging.

were fully buffered in a one block dedicated memory, permitting instruction execution in parallel with tape movement and data transfer.

order, to predict true dependencies between loads and stores at instruction execution time.

line, and it was the first IBM computer to support out-of-order instruction execution.

a uniform instruction layout suggestive of RISC architectures, instruction execution times vary from 6 to 26 clock cycles, in contrast to a throughput.

Z80 this signal lasts for a relatively larger part of the typical instruction execution time than in a design such as the 6800, 6502, or similar, where.

Trace Macrocell and CoreSight Design Kit for unobtrusive tracing of instruction execution 32 KiB data (2-way set-associative) + 48 KiB instruction (3-way.

POWER7 processor core implements aggressive out-of-order (OoO) instruction execution to drive high efficiency in the use of available execution paths.

sequence of NOP (no-operation) instructions meant to "slide" the CPU's instruction execution flow to its final, desired destination whenever the program branches.

(usually generated automatically by the compiler) and superscalar instruction execution (usually handled transparently by the CPU itself), such as pipelining.

This switch activated hardware suspension of instruction execution in the processor.

instructions can be indicative of stalls in the pipeline during instruction execution.

asynchronously with respect to the processor clock, and at any time during instruction execution.


multiprogramming; execution; data processing; process; physical process; concurrent execution; batch processing;


decrease; irreversible process; increase; devolution; increment;

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